But right now I am sitting here in my dorm room writing this feeling peaceful and calm and even, dare I say it? Happy and content. How can this be? Well...I'm what you call a "Mormon". I live in Salt Lake City and I currently attend LDS Business College. I am taking 17 credits this semester and they aren't "fluff" classes like I took last semester. I need to find a job so that I can come back for fall semester but I am spending almost all of my time doing homework so that I can earn a scholarship as well.
Anyway...I ended today by meeting my friend Jenni after our classes ended and we walked home together. We were standing where we usually part ways and both felt prompted to go to Temple Square, so we walked the extra block and sat by the reflection pool and talked. We talked and talked and talked. We talked for a good 40 minutes I think. We talked about every issue we were having and some issues we were both facing. I cried, she almost cried, and we grew in our friendship.
There is an incredible peace I feel, being a part of this church. The Gospel of Christ is what keeps me going everyday. Lately I have been distracted from that knowledge and let me tell you, it has been a noticeable change. I haven't been happy for the longest time. Not just like a down day but a serious depression. Utter listlessness and emptiness. Well tonight I got some of that old joy and life back. I came home and read my Book of Mormon ) which I haven't done in FAR too long. I was instantly filled with peace when we walked onto Temple Square, and reading in Mosiah just increased that feeling. I am blessed to know the truth. I know where I came from, I know where I want to go, and I know that my Father in Heaven has a plan for me. My heart aches for people that don't know any of those things. People that have questions and no answers and don't know where to turn to for guidance.
Overall I feel blessed. Today wasn't that bad now that I think about it. I have most of tomorrow to finish all of my homework and I can do it. Life is good, God is great, and I am happy. That is all for tonight:)
I know what you mean. My parents, who aren't members of our Church, are good people. They strive for good things and want to learn more about the gospel. But they have no interest in what I am trying to offer them. It's frustrating. But at the same time, I feel comforted that I've been chosen to introduce those concepts to them. It's that same comfort you have, I'm sure. I love the gospel and I love you, Ducky. :)